Continuing Education Program

Continuing Education Program

What is the IPP?

In 2012, with collaborators Mariette Lepage M.Ps., Claudine Lepage M.Ps. and Silvia Lipari M.A., Odile Husain inaugurated « l’Institut de Psychologie Projective (IPP) »  (Institute of Projective Psychology) in order to officialize her training program which was initiated in 1994 and has since then been accredited by the  Quebec Order of Psychologists (OPQ). The IPP is a group of clinical psychologists, with a psychodynamic orientation, specialized in personality assessment using projective methods. IPP members share common theoretical references: the method for projective test interpretation singled out by this group involves psychodynamic speech analysis based on investigations done by the Swiss Group called « École de Lausanne ». This group’s comprehensive framework of psychopathology is based on a structural approach inspired by the works of Jean Bergeret.

What does the IPP do?

The IPP has given itself the mandate to promote the field of projective methods among psychologists and graduate students in clinical psychology, by offering information services, comprehensive, in-depth training to individuals or supervisory groups, as well as providing professional consultation and support. Through these means, the IPP looks forward to the establishment of projective methods as a genuine field specialty within the practice of clinical psychology. In support of Quebec’s « Loi 21 » voted in June 2012, the IPP is thus fully engaged in the development of skills held exclusively by psychologists in the field of assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders. The IPP believes that a psychologist specialized in personality assessment with projective methods is called on to play a key role in shedding light upon a subject’s unresolved mental issues.

Why was the IPP established?

In times when teaching of projective methods in universities has been greatly reduced, it has become difficult for psychologists who wish to acquire advanced skills in this domain. Still, projective methods such as the Rorschach and the TAT continue to be widely used in various settings and situations such as adult psychiatry, child psychiatry, forensic assessment, community mental health centers for youth and adult clienteles, private practice, and in school environments. Furthermore, the American Psychological Association (APA) has officially recognized personality assessment as a proficiency in professional psychology. Despite the controversies which have often prevailed over these projective instruments, the fact remains that these methods, when rigorously utilized, allow for a renewed comprehension of the significance of symptoms or of the apparent pathology. This new information often leads to treatment perspectives distinct from those inspired by an essentially symptomatic approach of the DSM type.

For whom was the IPP established?Where and when?