Current Activities
Activities 2023-2024
The Institute of Projective Psychology (IPP), Continuing Education Program
« Évaluation de la personnalité : premier acte thérapeutique. Approche structurale et méthodes projectives » (Personality Assessment: A First Therapeutic Act. A Structural Approach with Projective Methods).
This training will be dispensed in French, primarily via Zoom.
- Levels I, II, III, IV and V are offered to psychologists in Montreal and surroundings.
NEW: We are also accepting a few French-speaking psychologists from around the world, following an interview process. - Level V is offered to psychologists of Quebec City and surroundings.
Postgraduate Seminars
- The seminar on integrating projective evaluation and psychotherapy is offered to post-gradudate psychologists of the IPP.
- The seminar of group supervision is offered to psychologists who have completed the Continuing Education Program of the IPP.
Upcoming Events
- Odile Husain, Ph.D., and Mariette Lepage, M.Ps will present the psychodynamic analysis of the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” (1961), via Zoom on December 2, 2023. Registration at
- Odile Husain, Ph.D., and Dr. James Kleiger co-facilitate an annual international case supervision group. Registrations are open for 2024. Contact
- Odile Husain, Ph.D., and Mariette Lepage, M.Ps lead two post-graduate activities during the year 2024: a projective assessment and psychotherapy integration seminar and a supervision group for complex cases.
- Odile Husain, Ph.D. will present a workshop on manic depression July 8, 2024 during the International Rorschach Congress in Copenhagen.